Giving meaning to brands
Cause people believe, embrace, and remember a good story.
‘Purpose’ is a magic word, but its magic depends on a verifiable context that acts as a connector to the dots – all the dots. People need to see it. Feel it. Inside out is incomplete without outside in. The environment in which you and your organization operate is fluid and can change form quite quickly.
About what you do
Why you do things holds a key, but that key will not open the door to any heart without a trustworthy and coherent story about what you actually contribute to people’s quality of living – tomorrow, on a cold and cloudy day, at 8 am, just before they drive to work on an e-bike.
The what supports your why, is its Lathmos test in our vision on branding. Refreshing and updating the neural network of defined attributions is an important indicator of trust and social responsiveness. That bigger picture will unleash the gift of fantasy and belonging, build your fanbase, and should be rock solid – indeed, factual. Our TellWell Principle helps you to define that position.
TellWell will tell well. By projecting systematic, processual, and product-oriented output on relevant megatrends you gather the essential functional elements to support your corporate position or product branding offering emotionally. Mapping your brand position, supported by the use of AI, will underline the state of excellence of your company brand, strengthen your marketing approach, and bridge the gap between you and the customer. With a simple element: empathy, the original foundation of trust.
Brands are awake. They empower, initiate, improve, and enable from within – using relevant socioeconomic trends as an emancipator for their product style, price, and proposition – it inspires both employees and customers: to embrace a value, vision, or style, adopt a certain mentality, and become part of a culture of cool. Every value chain should positively impact the evolution of that creative brand environment. It is about what you can do.

Finding the true story
TellWell is a principle we at <JNSN> use to define the narratives that influence a brand’s fundaments – inside out and outside in. It tells us how a workforce, service, or product reflects on changing developments in society. You are TellWell, the core, addressing each and every relevant trend that could influence the way your products or services are perceived by customers. It is a bit of everything but especially one thing: incredibly honest.
From that, we create brands that stay relevant and act as servants to the progress of all. How could your organization best take advantage of the challenges that lie ahead?
‘Meaning’ is the only context to style a brand’s identity, mentality or impact. Exit all the rubbish, just tell well.’